A native Iowan, I received Music Education bachelors and MBA degrees from the University of Iowa and I marched in the 1982 Rose Bowl. I moved to Wisconsin 25 years ago to work in the publishing industry. Today I'm a frequent presenter on language and literacy topics. I ran for Sun Prairie Mayor in 2007, and for Governor in 2018. I hold very conservative fiscal views, and moderate to liberal social views. I've been a Green Bay Packer fan since 1965. I met Vince Lombardi in 1969 and he continues to be my inspiration and not just because of the Packers' winning record. My campaign pronouns were "giant", and "flaming". Contact: governormeyer@gmail.com
In the only press coverage my campaign is likely to receive this year due to press censorship, the Sun Prairie Star published my guest editorial (about press censorship) at https://www.hngnews.com/sun_prairie_star/opinion/columns/article_8b8a9e16-b046-11ec-abe7-2bfc26ca51bc.html
I explain the Foibles of Foxconn in this groundbreaking interview with Dom and Crute see http://darnwi.com/podcast/7-25-18-robert-meyer-r-gubernatorial-candidate/
In this interview I address the need to scale vouchers back to the level where they work empirically, and I describe the current Republican party as a Borg see https://www.wpr.org/listen/1311966
My interview begins at 27:00 at http://www.whby.com/2018/08/01/fresh-take-with-josh-dukelow-080118/
In this interview I describe the important ways our economy is poised to grow see http://www.wiseye.org/Video-Archive/Event-Detail/evhdid/12587
In this interview I define what progressive really means see https://wpt4.org/wpt-video/here-and-now/wisconsin-governor-election-robert-meyer/
In my interview with Tim Bremel I take on our state's disastrous whole language reading problem. See https://www.wclo.com/election/
20 years ago we were 3rd. What gives? https://urbanmilwaukee.com/pressrelease/wisconsin-ranks-34th-nationally-on-the-2017-naep-4th-grade-reading-results/
How can WI be so politically backwards? https://urbanmilwaukee.com/pressrelease/republican-challenger-robert-meyer-forced-scott-walker-into-a-primary-with-10-in-outside-campaign-contributions/
LWV provides critical fair and equal news coverage https://www.lwvdanecounty.org/republican-primary-2018
Finally, a chance to present my platform to the Tinypondians https://madison.com/ct/opinion/column/robert-meyer-with-my-business-experience-i-can-lead-wisconsin/article_f62cb25b-28c7-57e9-9e89-e751e83a7170.html
The state newspaper leader in fair and equal news coverage see http://www.kenoshanews.com/news/governor-candidates-discuss-the-foxconn-deal/article_00108771-80e8-5ddc-a8f1-2439b2ae5558.html