The Governor's two responsibilities are 1) ensure that our laws are enforced, and 2) inform the Legislature as to the state of the state. Ongoing legislative efforts to ban Critical Race Theory (and other content such as the 1619 Project) aren't just embarrassing, they're a terrible thing to role model for young children. This is entirely a result of our legislature (and the public) not knowing nearly enough about the wide range of sources of information that school districts have drawn upon as they've created their Anti-Racist initiatives. The Joint Education Committee invited me in early 2021 to present to them and not to sound vain glorious but I would have informed them in ways that could have preempted most of this nonsense. Banning books, social studies, civics and/or current events just can't be the answer to anything.
There is so much more to fiscal management than competing to take credit for who cut the most taxes. This was my biggest problem with the Walker administration: they had no economic plan. And neither does Governor Evers. Where is the vision from the other Republican candidates for that matter for building our economy? My comprehensive investment & savings plan for the surplus will address schools and roads. The Governor's surplus rebate plan is the latest example of why continuing to have a Public Education Bureaucrat in a position of fiscal leadership probably isn't a good idea.
WI used to be a top education state but today our outcomes are bottom quartile nationally because other states moved on from the Balanced Literacy method of beginning reading instruction. Inexplicably, Dr. Evers' position is that WI educators are incapable of closing our worst in the US achievement gaps and that we need to somehow mediate poverty instead. His incomplete, sole solution is that WI needs to increase education spending (which we do, but he doesn't use the 2019 bi-partisan Blue Ribbon Commission recommendations to support his argument). DPI blames families, and they adopted EdReports which advocates the importance of aligning materials to the 12 year old Common Core Standards. Four of the 7 DPI Supt candidates ran on a platform last year that "if schools only had more funding and resources, WI could have a world class education system". Such Edubabble™ (nonsense) is dis-informing and wouldn't be accepted in a professional field. And it's never reported in the news! I will confront misinformed side-taking about school governance, vouchers, breaking up MPS, the "quality materials" movement, cameras in classrooms, banning the 1619 project and all other such things.